RolePlay Characters
I have roleplayed for over 12 years, and thoroughly enjoy writing with others - whether they be old friends or new acquaintances. With original characters from several MMOs and universes, please feel free to shift through and reach out to me if any of them interest you at all! ♥
World of Warcraft
Final Fantasy XIV
Star Wars: The Old Republic

Esme Sunshard
With a harsh disposition and a fierce ability to survive, Esme has a tongue as sharp and quick as her blades. Forged in a world of piracy, she eventually escaped that life and became the Fleet Commander for The Sunguard, a private militia for Quel'Thalas. There, she was punished and absolved for her crimes of piracy and that of falsifying nobility. She was given a letter of marque by the Thalassian government, naming her a privateer. She has made it a habit to hunt down pirates (and occasionally treasure), putting both of her ships to work in order to do so - something she continues to do now that her oath has been honorable dissolved.

Lovete Felraven
The white sheep in a family of black sheep, Lovete is the second daughter of Lord and Lady Felraven of the House of Felraven. A noble House known in secret for its affinity towards the darker arts of magic, Lovete defied traditions and showed talent as a mage instead, much to the heavy disappointment of her parents. Having no care of her parent’s opinions of her, she cares only for her sister and indulges heavily in society, using her alluring beauty and honey-coated charms to weave things in her favor.

Bricini Lightwing
A woman with a quick wit and no bedside manners, Bricini is the daughter of a man that thought he would be able to cure the wretched of their curse with the use of alchemy and elixirs. He passed down his passion for science and learning to his daughter, which she pairs with the teachings of the Light, which she learned in the church that raised her while her father was unable to. Continuing her father's research, she joined the Sunguard as well as the crew of Captain Vaelrin Firestorm as a medic. Both she has left and looks to continue her (father's) research further.

Sarahnis Dawnsinger
Sarahnis is hardly ever without a bright smile on her face and something nice to say about any given situation. With a strong but soft heart, she is willing to fight for what she believes is right and for the greater good of her people. Having lost her husband in the Fall, she lives with her brother-in-law and the two have managed to carve out a life for themselves despite the tragedy of their shared loss. All three had fought together in the Thalassian military and after a brief retirement, the two remaining swore themselves to The Sunguard. During their time there, the two - Sarahnis and Alamaeus - married and had three children. Now that their oaths have been honorably dissolved, their focus is on one another, their family, and their bakery.

Karsteth Dusktide
Strictly villain.
A criminal with no remorse, Karsteth has been a pirate for nearly all of his life. With a fierce drive and unshakable demeanor, his crew has followed him loyally since he gained his place as Captain through means of mutiny. While there are no lengths he would not go and no lines he would not cross, he is a shrewd and cunning individual whose only downfall is his cold-blooded temper when and if he lets it get the better of him. Those that have crossed this man usually do not live to tell the tale.

Narysha Felraven
Strictly villain.
The mother of Lovete and Melanei Felraven, Narysha is the matriarch and ruler of the lands known as The Greyvale. She is a cunning woman that has a disdain for her youngest daughter, but nothing but pride for her eldest. Her husband died under mysterious circumstances, but the citizens of the Greyvale know better than to gossip about such things, for Narysha seems to have eyes and ears everywhere. She takes good care of the people that live on her lands, but the flora and fauna are corrupted beyond redemption, which she sees as a small price to pay for the dark magics she wields.

Merik Morningstar

Sohvia "Sofie" Hackney
If there is a job of questionable morals, Sofie has more than likely done the job or is willing to do it. From courier services to assassinations, the young woman has made her way in life with no help from parents. Raised an orphan in Gilneas, she was smuggled out of the gates by a friend named Atticus before the gates shut. She was able to elude the affliction, but was left to survive the world outside on her own. She has managed to do so thus far and has developed a quick wit and a loud sense of humor alongside the sharp skills with a knife.

Duvessa Barlow
Deep within the forests of Drustvar, Duvessa is a member of one of the covens of witches. She is a half elf that was taken into the coven when her mother was killed by them. Raised by witches, being told that her father - a pirate - abandoned her, and being mistreated by men in most of her meetings with them, Duvessa has developed a hatred and distrust of men. Currently she is vying for control of the coven that raised her with plans to take all of Drustvar as their own.

Es'mena Nenda
The proud Captain of an airship, there are rumors that she fled to the skies to avoid the seas. Dealing primarily with transporting individuals and their cargo privately, she can be likable enough when the matters at hand are business or favorable to her. However, should one get on her bad side, she is stubborn to a fault and is not above going out of her way to make them regret stepping on her toes (or her tail, so to speak). One thing is for certain, whether one on her bad side or her good side, she will always speak her mind to them…whether they want to hear it or not.

Lovete Neldawn

Es'merelda Danen
Rough around the edges but charismatic to a fault, Es’merelda is never without a glass of top-shelf Corellian whiskey in her hand and a smile on her freckle-dusted face. An orphan turned pirate, turned privateer, she took a hard turn back to piracy after stealing a Republic warship from the inside out. She has a long history of being out for herself and her small, loyal crew above all others.
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Vineesa Holloway
Enhanced with cybernetics to assist in her profession as an Imperial Agent, Vineesa is truly impeccable at anything she puts her mind to. Little to nothing is known about her past and she seems fit to keep it that way. With her constantly changing personalities to fit in with whatever operation she is doing, it is difficult to tell who is the real her and where her allegiances truly lie.

Dantella Harmon
Poor Dantella is a nervous and frail little thing that in no way resembles the rest of her family. With a mother, father, and five older brothers all in the Republic military, there was no question about what she would become, regardless of her physical abilities. Though the front lines are the furthest thing from what is right for her, she wants to do good by her family and by the Republic. Recently, her talents in languages and code have been noticed and she is moving away from the field and more behind the lines to assist in ways that are better suited for her.

Vali is a Guardian with an intimidating and unfriendly demeanor. With stark white hair and eerie white-grey eyes, she is normally either frowning or smirking with sarcasm, and there is rarely an in-between. She is an extremely skilled shot and is rarely seen without a sniper rifle on her back, a handgun at her hip, and a knife on her thigh.Her left arm is striking with an opalescent sheen to the high-grade prosthetic from her shoulder down. It is not often seen, but her left leg is the same from her knee down. The eeriness of her eyes is thanks to optical enhancements, and she will often remark on conversations happening far away due to auditory enhancements - her oldest addition to her body.A true Hunter, Vali is rarely seen at the Tower, but her name is still relatively well known for her length of service, her skills, and her attitude.